13 MAY 1911, page 26

The Valley Of Regret. By Adelaide Holt. (john Lane. 6s.)—

The horrible tragedy which breaks this novel into two distinct parts is perhaps a little out of key with the whole tone of the book. The sentence of seven years' penal servitude......

The Unknown Lady. By Justus Miles Forman. (ward, Lock And

Co. 6s.)—This novel would be improved from the literary point of view if it were written either in French or in English and not in a mixture of the tire elniguages. It is not to......


PEOPLE OF POPHAM.* MRS. WEMYSS, who has already made many friends by The Professional Aunt, will ingratiate herself further with the reading public by her new venture. These......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notic e such Books of the week as have not hew reserved for review in other forms.] Canada and the Empire. By W. R. Lawson. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 6s.......

Readable Novels.—tins Hands. By Richard Washburn Child....

6s.)—An American story told in the first person by the father of the heroine. Although the story is a good ono, the reader will have an uncomfortable feeling that it would have......