13 MAY 1911, page 2

The Second Reading Of The Women's Enfranchisement Bill...

in the House of Commons on Friday week. Sir George Kemp, in moving the Second Reading, explained that the Bill differed in two respects from the Bill of last year. The £10......

We Cannot, Unfortunately, Find Space To Deal With Lord...

speech, but we must say here that it was ex- ceedingly lucid and exceedingly eloquent, and in every way worthy of the great occasion. Lord Lansdowne's peroration was not only......

On Thursday, In The Albert Hall, Mr. Balfour Presided At

the annual demonstration of the Primrose League. He began by noticing the apparent agreement on both sides that the country should possess two effective Chambers. Another......

Lord Lansdowne And The Peers Who Worked With Him In

draw- ing up the Bill are to be most heartily congratulated on the success of their scheme. No doubt it is possible to make many effective criticisms on the details, but we......

The Weight Given To Minority Representation And To The...

by the Prime Minister will enormously alter the complexion of the House, and, even though they will not pro- duce a Liberal majority, they will greatly reduce the Unionist......

Mr. Balfour Went On To Declare That The Government Were

not honest in the doctrines they preach. The explanation of the inconsistency of the position taken up by them in advo- cating two Chambers while actually setting up......

The Discussion Of The Report Stage Of The Parliament Bill

was continued on Tuesday and Wednesday. No new points were raised during the debate, which seems to have excited little interest in the House, though the Government were in......

In The House Of Commons On Monday, After A Long

discus- sion of the Government's guillotine motion for the remaining stages of the Parliament Bill, its report stage was entered upon. The principal amendment considered was......

The Schedule Describing The Qualifications Of The...

being elected as a Lord of Parliament by hereditary peers is as follows :- Being or having been—(l) Cabinet Minister or Minister of the Crown, and, as such, Head of a Government......