THE REVENUE. Increase, Deduct Decrease Increase on the Year Quarters
ended Oct. 10th 1837. 1838.
174.922 4257 130,000 146
• •
Customs Stamps Crown Lauds Miscellaneous Excise 179,450
Taxes 4.6,223
Post-office • • 19,372.944 18,823.619 12,007,238 11.827,788 6,461.212 6,636,204
3.693.380 3,647,157
1,490.743 1,536,000 130,000 44,635 44,781 Total Ordinary Revenue... Imprest and other Monies, in. eluding Repayments of Ad- sauces for Public Works ....
Total Income.... 42,070,222 42,645,549 817,416 983,134 42,887.638 43,628,683
• •
• •
Decrease. 165.719 741.045 Customs Excise Stamps Taves Post-office
Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue... Imprest and other Monies, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works 5,436.116 5,469,271 3,705,467 4,093,959 1,622.252 1,751,476
303.092 32,1,045
418,006 410.000 65.000
2.701 8.376
12.349,075 Deduct Decrease Increase on the Quarter .. 33,115 388,492 129,224 19,953 65,000 5,675
• •
22,417 663,916 8,006 655,910
TotalIncome.... 11,693,165
8,006 966,718 225,673
• •
• •
11,492,634 200,531
Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fun( , in the Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1837 and 11338. Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1837 and 1838; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.
Years ended Oct 10th
1837. 1838. Increase. Decrease.
Quarters ended Oct.10.
1837. 1838.
Customs Excise St antps Taxes Post-oilier Crown Lands 'Miscellaneous Tontine Money. To Cash brought to this Account to replace the like Sum issued, or to be issued mit of the Consolidated Fund iu Ireland tar Supply awl other Services To Cash brought to this Account from the Civil List, Sup plies,Scc .. --- X 3,931692 3,705.467 1,622,252 308,092 418,006 3.990,050 4.115.757 1,751,46 328.045 410.000 05.000 231,324 10,891,652 • •
• •
10,1e8,131 220,515
Permanent Debt
Terminable Annuities
Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the
Consolidated Fund Sinking Fund Civil List Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil Goverunwnt Services, formerly paid out of the Civil, or the Ilereditary Revenues of the Crown Total Charge
Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consoli. dated Fund fur the Quarter ended July 5. and paid tOT out of thegrow Mg produce of that Fund fur the Quarter ended Oct. 10.1838 Amount issued in the Quarter ended Oct. 10, I4138, in part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fowl, for Supply Services The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 1011.
Oct. 1838 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge ou the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 10th Oct. 1838 10.408.676 10,891652 Quarters et ded Oct. 10.
1837. toas.
3,409.803 3,416,521 1,386,265 1,391,897 29.595 302.381 53,006
339,021 3.520,061 4,888,615 10,408,676
2,581,941 5,464,919 23,869 96,111 499,135 5.426$33 5,464,819 10,891,652 7,660,946 2,882,878 4,779,068