The Bayaderes Are Rather Increasing In Attraction, Since...
known that there is nothing to wound the scrupulous modesty of English au- diences : on the contrary, some have expressed disappointment on the score of the Hindoo dancers not......
The Theatres.
Ora hope ma, that the great success of the Love Chase would have induced SHERIDAN! KNOWLES to write another comedy : for, to say truth, his serious plays have deteriorated of......
The Ttmpest Is Performed To.night At Covent Garden, Not Only
with the text restored and the music retained, but with a storm of such potency, that, though its approach has not been heralded by the usual pal's, all the town is flocking to......
Steam Navigation.
TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE SrECTATOR. London, 8th October 1838. Sin—Being a constant reader and subscriber to your journal, I have observed with pleasure the interest you take in the......
A Smart End Lively Vaudeville, Called The Printer's...
a most amusing addition to the light entertainments at the Olympic. It is constructed with the accustomed neatness and skill of the French farceurs, and the work of the artiste......