At A Meeting Of The Middlesex Agricultural Association,...
day, old Mr. Byng, M. P., delivered the following wise observations on the Corn-laws- "1 have, from the earliest part of my life, felt attached to the agricultural interest.......
At The Mansionhouse, On Wednesday, Mr. John Burgon Was Sum.
moned before the Lord Mayor and Alderman Fide, in consequence of his refusal to pay 51., the amount of a church-rate, due from him for repairing the church of St. Benet......
Rip: Aittropaiiii.
The following is the Whig account of the Middlesex registration, given in the Morning Chronicle. LILICIUT.S. TORII& Taken. Sustained. Taken. • Sustained. Brentford 50 23 48 23......
A Meeting Was Held Yesterday At The Jerusalem...
bill, to " consider the practicability and expediency of forming a private company" to carry on a steam communication with India. The chief persons present were Sir Robert......
Cbc Countrn.
A brief account of the dinner given by the Mayor of Liverpool to Lord John Russell is furnished by the Albion of Monday. The party consisted of "seventy gentlemen, including all......