The Advices From Lancashire And Other Portions Of The Cotton
manu- facturing districts, up to the close of the last week, state that consider- able gloom continues to prevail in the general business of those impor- tant sections of our......
A Meeting Of The Shareholders Of The Great Western Railway,
ad- jourred from the 15th of August last, was held on Wednesday, at the Merchants' Hall, Bristol. Mr. W. U. Sims, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presided ex dlicio. The......
It Is A Curious Fact, That The Whole Favour Of
the Government-with- out.patronage does, somehow or other, always flow one way. The outfits for all Govermnent ships find their way to one grocer, and all other departments are......
Cbc Countrn.
A brief account of the dinner given by the Mayor of Liverpool to Lord John Russell is furnished by the Albion of Monday. The party consisted of "seventy gentlemen, including all......