13 OCTOBER 1838, page 10
Blystifications Of The Ministerial Press.
[From the Morning Chronicle, Oct. 8.] The article in the Spectator of yesterday, entitled " The Irish Policy," is curious, and the object of the writer is a bold one. Ile......
The Revenue. Increase, Deduct Decrease Increase On The...
ended Oct. 10th 1837. 1838. 450,675 174.922 4257 130,000 146 • • Customs Stamps Crown Lauds Miscellaneous Excise 179,450 Taxes 4 . 6,223 Post-office • • 19,372.944 18,823.619......
Topics Of The Day.
THE POPULAR CHARACTER. IN our article last week on the People, we made some observations with reference to the Radical press, which, from the necessary brevity with which the......