no Court.
THE Queen held a Privy Council at Windsor, on Saturday afternoon, at which the further prorogation of Parliament was agreed upon. The Council was attended by the Lord Chancellor, the Marquis of Lans- downe, Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston, Sir John Hohhouse, Lord Glenelg, and Lord John Russell. All the Ministers dined with the Queen, and remained over Sunday and Monday, except Lord Palmer- ston, who returned to town on Monday, hut again went to Windsor in the evening. On Sunday afternoon, her Majesty walked an hour on the terrace, " both among her subjects, and in the private part." On Tuesday, Lords Cottenham and Glenelg, and Sir John Hobhouse, left the Castle; and on Wednesday the Marquis of Lansdowne and Lord John Russell took their departure. Lord and Lady Ashley are on a visit to the Queen.
Her Majesty takes her usual exercise on horseback, and continues to enjoy excellent health.