A friendly Corresp nclent. who uses the aignature " A.
B." has taken the trouble to send us the 44th Number of a newspaper called The Arbroath Journal, dated the 9.9th September. Of that journal, its conductors or supporters, we know nothing ; but the imprint advertises it as being " edited and published by Joex Sin SAND,." writer. The note which aecompaoied the copy of the paper "supposed it pos- sible"—and correctly so—that we 'might not have seen" the leading article to which the Coirespouclent called attention. He will nuderstand that we must decline nil comment on a libel %%Mel' cherges the Editor and Proprietor of the SPECTATOR, by name, with being in the pay of the Tory Aristocracy." The reaIers of the SPECTATOR need co contradiction of this utter falsehood. There is but cne word to characterize the person making it, and that is LIAR.