&MIL Exegalrel. FRIDAY ArTERNOOL The English Funds had improved in the early part of the week, on Recount of the favourable state of the last quarter's revenue ; but a report haviug arisen that Parties merit would meet on the 11th of December, the market has since become heavier. It was expected that the improvement in the revenue would have caused a resumption of the purchases on behalf of the Sinking-fond : but that improvement is only compara- tive, and there is no real surplus of income over expenditure for the year enrliug on the 10th instant, end consequently no funds applicable to the reduction of the Debt. The demand for money has continued up to hue time, but will entirely cease ou the issue of Dividends. which are in course ol payment lathe public to-day. In the Foreign Market, business has been almost entirely confined to Sprolisli Bonds ; end the market evinced much briskness, till yesterday, when the news of the detCat of PA aflitIA,g, caused a decline. which tins continued to day ; and the stock may be rooted from to 1 per cent, below the prices of Wednesday. A scheme for n nese Spanish Loan has been made public ; but as it haa not received any credence, it is unnecessary to notice it here. There is little doubt that n scheme has been pro. postal to the Government of Madrid, by which a loan of ten ntill ions was to be raised- at the nominal price of 524 ; but as a large portion of the pits ment was proposed ti lie. nettle in the overdue Coupons and Stock of the present loan, as well itis in the De, ferred and Passive Bonds, in prices which are more than double their present ntarket sable, it is not believed that the bargain can possibly be concluded.
Portuguese Securities are declining in the absetice of business, and are to-day about 1 per cent, below our last prices. Brazilian Bonds are also heavier.
The Patch and Northern Securities remeill without variation ; end, indeed, business has been almost entirely confined to Spanish Stock.
The Railway Shares continued quiescent with the exception of the Great Western, in which the postponement of the Engineer's report upon the state of the R ;tile ay has produced a tlecliue of 41,a share, viz. from 141. to 101. prem. London and Birmingham are about 21, per share lower ; auJ this kind of security generally is nit.
We have very little business here this morning, and almost every description of Stock is nt yesterday's quotation. In the Railway Share Market, Great Western have im• proved, and are 124 to 13 prem.; the others are without variation. London and Bir- mingham 82 to 84 prem.; Ditto New Shares wich 17; Siuthampton 4647; Brighton ee
3 per Cent. Consols 944 Ditto for Account 944 4 3 per Cent. Reduced 934 1 New 34 per Cent ,Anne 10244 Bank Stock exeliv. 2034 4 India Stock
Ditto Bonds 70 7L pm Exclietpwri Bills
Pelgisu 5 per Cents 70 71 pm 1034 4
24 to 25 prena.; Croydon 10} 17; 21 disc. per Share.
Brazilien 5 per Cent.
Danish Dutch 21 per Cents
Portuguese Reeenay 5 p.Cts
Ditto 3 per Cent. It teisinn (1822)5 per Cent
Spanish (1835)S per Cent
Deferred Stook Passive Ditto
Green- 794 80 74i 54 63I 44 33 334 214 1114 12 18 18} 71 4