The Paris papers of Thursday contain no political news of import- atice ; but give an account of some proceedings of a most extraordi- nary nature in vi hat is called a court of justice in France. Messrs. PAIVIr IN and DUCROC, advocates, had been chosen arbiters in a trial. Their decision was impugned, in a pamphlet published by Messrs. SALMON, who charged the arbiters with unfairness. On Tuesday, the publishers were brought before the Assize Court of Paris, on a charge of defamation, but acquitted. The verdict having been given, the prosecutor's counsel maintained that it only relieved the defendants from criminality, and that his clients claimed three thousand francs damages. The Court decided that they had power to award compen-
• sation for a libel without a trial ; and actually condemned the defen- dants to pay the three thousand francs with costs, and suppressed the pamphlet. Several other actions for libel are now pending ; and there is niuch alarm among publishers in Paris—as well there may be.