" Vienna , Friday, April 13, 9 a. m.—The following authentic
intelli- gence has been received here. Nothing new had taken place at Sebastopol up to the 4th instant inclusive.' " " Vienna, Friday Evening, April 13.—Considerable difference of opinion exists between the Western Powers and Austria respecting the diminution of the Russian preponderance in the Black Sea. Lord John Russell and M. Drouyn de Lhuys left this morning for the Semmering mountain, and return tomorrow. This temporary absence probably means, Accept our conditions or reject them.' " "Kiel, Friday, 11 a. m.—The Imperieuse, 51, Commodore Watson, and' Euryalus, 51, have just entered this harbour and anchored close to the bath- ing-establishment. The weather is fine."
"Turin, April 13.—Yesterday, while the Holy Father, accompanied by several persons, was in the hall of the Convent of St. Agnes, near Rome, the floor fell in. His Holiness suffered no injury. Cardinal Antonelli and the French General Montreal received some slight contusions."
The Paris correspondence published in the second edition of the Horn- ing Past opens with this paragraph-
" M. Drouyn de Lhuys has received the most marked attention from the Emperor of Austria. His interviews have ended the most satisfactory as regards the sincerity of the Austrian alliance. The Conferences do not ap- pear to have made any further progress. There seems to be a possibility of M. Drouyn de Lhuys returning to Paris, unless the Russian Envoys re- ceive their instructions within a given time."
The same correspondent reports the daily departure of French forces for the East—Voltigeurs, Artillery, Horse Chasseurs, &c. ; and 400 mules.