Parixementary Business After Easter.
Business will be resumed with the Miscellaneous Estimates, eighteen Ministerial Bills and thirty-two Non-Ministerial, to discuss and dispose of. This is exclusive of the six......
Report Of The Maynooth Commission.
The Earl of Harrowby, Chief Baron Pigot, Dr. Mountifort Longfield, Dr. Travers Twiss, and Mr. James O'Ferrall, were the Commissioners appointed in 1853 to inquire into the......
Cht Chaim.
The Royal Italian Opera opened on Thursday, very quietly, and with little of the stir and bustle which wont to attend the commencement of the opera season. It was like the......
Not Mortal. He And His Partners May Be Less Clever
or less comical than heretofore, yet they live on, and whenever the season of winter festivity arrives they are sure to find a good handsome stage fitted for the demon- stration......