News Of The Week.
ANOTHER impediment to the resumption of the proceedings in the Congress at Vienna has occurred : early in the week it was under- stood that the Russian plenipotentiary would not......
Some Light Is Thrown Upon The Present As Well As
the past by a memoir issued, under the sanction of the French Government, in the Moniteur. It is to a certain extent a plain account, very con- sistent with the less perfect......
Easter Is The Season Chosen For A New Emeute Ecclesiastical
in the fashionable West, and again the church of St. Paul's Knights- bridge is the scene. There have been two acts to the new tragi- comedy. First, under the auspices of Mr.......
Probably Within A Few Hours Of The Time That The
Russian pleni- potentiaries receive their instructions to proceed for peace or war, our ally the Emperor of the French will pass by Boulogne and Dover from the Tuileries to......