14 APRIL 1855, page 11

Report Of The Maynooth Commission.

The Earl of Harrowby, Chief Baron Pigot, Dr. Mountifort Longfield, Dr. Travers Twiss, and Mr. James O'Ferrall, were the Commissioners appointed in 1853 to inquire into the......

Ira Hue Against "the System." Bayswater, 11th April 1855....

have at length arrived at a stage in our doings, or rather mis- doings, and reflections thereon, which has brought men whose opinions in other matters are of the most varied......

Dr. Smith's Medical Evidence: "the Screw."

London, 11th April 1856. SIR—In a letter inserted in the Spectator of the 7th instant, Dr. John Davy makes some remarks on the evidence given by Dr. Andrew Smith be- fore Mr.......

Frttrro To At Hitnr.

CHARCOAL POWDER AS A DISINFECTANT. Oxford and Cambridge Club, 6th April 1855. Sin—Since I wrote to you on the letter of Dr. Davy, which stated that quicklime intended to be......