" Vienna , Friday, April 13, 9 A. M.—the Following Authentic
intelli- gence has been received here. Nothing new had taken place at Sebastopol up to the 4th instant inclusive.' " " Vienna, Friday Evening, April 13.—Considerable difference......
A Naval Court-martial Is Sitting At Portsmouth To Try...
Royer and Mr. Edington the Master of the Tiger, for the loss of that ship near Odessa. All the other officers have been acquitted. The case for the prose- cution closed......
Cht Chaim.
The Royal Italian Opera opened on Thursday, very quietly, and with little of the stir and bustle which wont to attend the commencement of the opera season. It was like the......
Lord Ashburton Has , Published Another Instructive Letter...
"common things." He addresses it to the Schoolmasters and School- mistresses of Hampshire and Wiltshire ; and illustrates his teaching by the deficiency in resource and......
The Visit Of The Emperor And Empress Of The French
to this country, definitively fixed for Monday next, will continue during the ensuing week. The Imperial visitors will pass from Boulogne to Dover in the new steam corvette......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. A settled belief amongst the operators in the Public Funds that the ex- penditure for the current year is to be met by a new Loan has continued......