[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some of your readers may be glad to to see the epigram• to which "H. M." alludes in his charming letter of August 7th, with the above heading. It is true that some hypercritical indi- viduals found out that the number of the good Boss family was neither seven nor eight, but that in no way affects the spirit of kindliness which prompted the one, nor the fund of humour which gave birth to the other. To both authors the guests at "The Bear" owe a debt of gratitude for their attempting to- beguile the tedium of days when rain such as your corre- spondent so graphically describes effectually prevented any out- door expeditions :— " URSA MAJOR AND TILE HOTEL DE L'OURS, GRINDELWALD.
Sign upon the earth behold
Compete with one in Heaven ; The Bear above, the 'Bear' below, The stars that form them,—seven.
And when the signs compared are, Judge then the heavenly losses,
When all declare the earthly stars Most surely are the Bosses."
Winchester, August 11th. (Late Chaplain at G dude' wa.ld.>