14 AUGUST 1886, page 1

News Of The Week.

S OME of the omens of the week are not very pacific. The meet- ing of the Emperors of Austria and Germany at Gastein which has taken place this week, appears, if we may trust......

At The Dinner To The Government Given By The Lord

Mayor at the Mansion House on Wednesday, Lord Salisbury spoke with more than usual strength and dignity. He said the Elections had proved that all the classes of the nation had......

United Ireland, We See, Regards Lord Salisbury's...

subject of Ireland as a declaration of war against the Irish people, and adds, melodramatically,—" Our race is used to resisting tyranny. War let it be, in the name of God !"......

'v The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


Mr. Henry Matthews Has Been Returned For East Birmingham...

a contest after all. When the feelings of the Liberal Unionists came to be tested, it was obviqus that they were uo more inclined to vote for Irish Home-rule in the form in......

The Victory Of Mr. Matthews, However, Was By No Means

solely due to the breach between Alderman Cook and the Radical Union. It was discovered, on a close canvass of the constituency, that the electors themselves were not at all......