A Significant Revolt Of Irish Labourers Against The...
occurred in Cork last Sunday, when, at a meeting of a branch of the League, with a Catholic priest in the chair, some labourers were bitterly reproached for accepting work from......
The Belfast Riots, Which On Saturday Last Were So Serious
that the casualties were as numerous as those of a small engagement in the Soudan, and which were followed up by rather serious riots on Monday and Tuesday, have at last been......
Sir 'peter Redpath, Who Spoke For Canada, Dwelt On The
important effect produced by the Military College in Canada, and the grant of commissions in the British Army to the young officers who acquit themselves well in that College,......
The Strange Attitude Taken By The Republique Franpaise,...
understood to represent M. Jules Ferry, on the subject of the retention by France of the New Hebrides, which she is under positive treaty engagements with England not to occupy,......
A Deputation Which Was Received By Lord Salisbury On...
at the Colonial Office, may, we hope, attract the attention of M. de Freycinet, for it is certainly one of those signs of the times which the French Government ought gravely to......
At A Meeting Of The Cork Loyalist Association, Held This
day week in Cork, Mr. Penrose Fitzgerald said that he defied con- tradiction in alleging that Mr. Gladstone's Bill for granting Home-rule to Ireland " took from Ireland......
On The Tuesday, Mr. Matthews Called Attention To The Hint
dropped recently by Mr. Gladstone that, under certain circum- stances, it might be necessary to have recourse to a simple repeal of the Union. It is an open question, Mr.......
The Victory Of Mr. Matthews, However, Was By No Means
solely due to the breach between Alderman Cook and the Radical Union. It was discovered, on a close canvass of the constituency, that the electors themselves were not at all......