In A Letter To Saturday's Papers, Signed By Mr. W.
Clausen, Mr. Walter Crane, and Mr. Holman'Hunt, these artists point out that the Royal Academy, by insisting on the private right of the artists who constitute it to exhibit a......
Sir 'peter Redpath, Who Spoke For Canada, Dwelt On The
important effect produced by the Military College in Canada, and the grant of commissions in the British Army to the young officers who acquit themselves well in that College,......
In Answer To An Anonymous Attack On Him In The
Times, by a correspondent signing himself " X.," Mr. Henry Howorth returned last Monday to his indictment against the personnel of the Conservative Government. He objects to......
Dr. Withers-moore Delivered The Presidential Address Of...
Association, which held its annual meeting at Brighton on Tuesday.. He condemned the inadequate salaries paid to our parish medical men, dwelt very seriously on that " de-......
Mr. Henniker Heaton, M.p., Has Been Urging The Post Office
to hold out hopes that if a powerful steamship company should offer to carry letters to Australia by long sea,—without con- ditions such as we now impose as to the time of the......
Two Memorials Are To Be Raised By The Friends And
admirers of the late Principal Tulloch,—one a monument, the other, and principal one, a "Tulloch Memorial Scholarship Fund," which is intended to found a Tulloch Fellowship in......
The National Liberal Federation, Of Which Mr. James...
to be Sir James Kitson) is the President and Mr. Schnad- horst is the Secretary, issued in Monday's papers a manifesto dated from Colmore Row, Birmingham, in which, while admit-......
The Oxford Laymen Have Formed A League For Resisting Dis-
establishment and Disendowment, which we wish they could have inaugurated in a less aggressive spirit. Their first pub- lication is called "Aggressive Irreligion : an Appeal......