Two memorials are to be raised by the friends and
admirers of the late Principal Tulloch,—one a monument, the other, and principal one, a "Tulloch Memorial Scholarship Fund," which is intended to found a Tulloch Fellowship in St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, to be held by the most distinguished B.D. graduate of the year, to enable him to travel on the Continent for a year, and to embody the results of his study in a course of lectures on some department of philosophical theology. The subscriptions for the monument are asked for at once, as it is proposed to proceed with the erection of the monument without delay. Any surplus will be handed over to the "Tulloch Memorial Scholarship Fund," for which, of course, a much larger sub- scription will be wanted. We earnestly hope that the move- ment to keep Principal Tulloch's person and work vividly before us in the manner he himself would have most desired, may have an ample success.