14 AUGUST 1886, page 16

Mr. Chamberlain's Position. [to The Editor Of The "...

SIR, —As one of the Liberal rank and file, permit me to say that I disagree with much of the article in your issue of July 31st, and " N.'s " letter of August 7th, on Mr.......

Unionist Policy.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Yon ,.express very happily in one sentence of your important article on " The Danger before the Unionists,' what may be regarded as......

The Education Of The London School Board.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR, —I find myself so frequently in agreement with the opinions expressed in the Spectator, that I was extremely surprised to find such a......

Letters To The Editor.

UNIONISM v. GLADSTONIANISM. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " EPECTATOR."J SIR, — Having sat at the feet of the Spectator for twenty years, and having learnt from you to look on Mr.......