An. Epitome of English Grammar, for the Use of Students.
Adapted to the London Matriculation Course and similar examinations. By W. H. H. Kelke, M.A. (Kegan Paal and Co.) —We have no doubt, from our examination of the book, that the author is a well-read, competent exponent of his subject. On the standard of the London Matriculation, the book treats of "the general tenor of the questions, as well as the particular questions themselves, that have for the last twelve years been set at that examination under the head of English Language.'" We have not observed anything particularly noticeable in the mode of treatment. The least favourable feature of the book is, to our eyes, the form in which it is presented ; although the printing is good and clear, the pages generally have a close, congested appearance, which to us, at least, is not attractive.