14 JANUARY 1899, Page 1

There is a decided reappearance of the Napoleonic Legend in

Paris. The hawkers are again selling Lives of Napoleon, a demand has sprung up for photographs of the Bonaparte family, and most significant of all, a play has been produced in their honour. It is called Viva l'Empereur, its whole idea is the glorification of the Bouapartes, and every " point " was rapturously cheered by four-fifths of the audience. The Government is afraid to interfere for fear of bringing on a crisis, and Republican Deputies are afraid of making them- selves candidates for Cayenne. The plain fact is that nothing protects the Republic except the hesitations of the Bonaparte Princes, and the entire absence in the Army of a resolute chief without a German name. If St. Arnaud had been named Zurlinden, half his subordinates would have distrusted his devotion to France. The General will, however, as we believe, be speedily found, and then the Republic will once more pass away, amid the shouts of a people utterly weary, and unable to explain their weariness—which is really thirst for dramatic effects.