14 JANUARY 1899, page 15

Children's Ups And Downs.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—From sundry communications received from some (at least quondam) lady-friends, I am apprehensive of becoming a latter-day Pentheus; for......

Thackera.y And The "spectator."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "1 Sin,—May I, as an old lady entitled to be reminiscent and garrulous, "bestow my tediousness upon you" in a little anecdote which relates to......

Irish Universities.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. ] SIR,—May I make a slight correction in the figures given by Mr. Dease in the Spectator of December 31st? The statement quoted by him credits......

The Percy Pedigree.

[To THE EDITOZ OF THE "Srsor.kroa."] SIR,—May I be allowed, in the interest of accuracy, to correct a statement in your article in the Spectator of January 7th on " The Late......

In Defence Of Repetition.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR'] SIR, —The writer of the article, " The Archbishop of Canterbury on Holidays," in your issue of December 31st, dealt with a number of problems......

[to Tim Eprroa Op Tee A 'sritcrana."] Sin,—your...

X.," in the Spectator of January 7th, has put in very convincing language a fact which has been daily demonstrated at Nordrach, in Southern Germany, for the last ten years and......