L'empire Liberal. Par Emile 011ivier. Tome Iii. (gamier,...
a volume of M. Emile 011ivier's L'Empire Went/ is like putting the clock back thirty years, and this third volume is no less antiquated than its predecessors. The Liberal......
By Far Euphrates. By D. Alcock. (hodder And Stoughton.) —the
strongest sympathy for the Armenian sufferers from Turkish cruelty—a sympathy which the Spectator has not failed to express at the proper time and place—will not make us think......
The Bad Family, And Other Stories. By Mrs. Fenwick. (grant
Richards. Is. 6d.)—This delightful, old-fashioned child's book is edited by Mr. E. V. Lucas. To say that is the same thing as to assure our readers that it is worth reading, for......
Le Roman De Louis Xl Par Paul Fort. (le Mercure
de France, Paris.)—M. Paul Fort is a young man of excellent wit and of indubitable talent. But he is possessed by a thecny, which threatens to ruin his best effects. To quote......
The Works Of Lord Byron. Vol. Ii. New And Revised
Edition. (John Murray. 6s.)—We intend, as we said on a previous occa- sion, to reserve our criticism of this important work till the whole of the volumes have appeared. We may......
Memoires D'outre - Tombs. Par Chateaubriand, Et Notis Par E.
Bir6. Vols. (Gamier, Paris.)—For some years Chateau- briand has suffered a passing eclipse. The young writers of France have been moved to discredit him, on the ground that he......
Magic Divination And Demonology Among The Hebrews And...
By Dr. Wilton Davies. (James Clarke and Co.) —This learned little study of a difficult and obscure sub- ject will prove very interesting to Biblical students, though for the......
A Dictionary Of The Peerage And Baronetage. By Sir Bernard
Burke. Edited by his Son. (Harrison and Sons. 33s.)— This is the sixty-first issue of a book whichlit is now quite super- fluous to praise. There is nowhere to bo found a more......