On Monday The Speaker Delivered A Very Interesting...
Carlisle, his subject being "Some Old Parliamentary Journals." A propos of reporting, he described how Rush- worth, who wrote shorthand, and took down the actual words used by......
The Supporters Of The Anti-bounty Movement Held A Meeting At
Cannon Street Hotel on Monday, Lord Stan- more being in the chair. A letter was read from a firm of Glasgow refiners complaining that the present Government by not insisting at......
The Antiquarians Of Rome Believe That They Have Made A
great find. Signor Bacellai, the Minister of Education, in the course of some excavations at the east end of the Forum has come upon the great black stone under which it was......
A Long Speech By Sir Edward Clarke Is Reported In
Tuesday's papers, but a more interesting one was made to the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, January 5th. In this speech Sir Edward Clarke combated a notion which we......
The Letter Lately Contributed By Mr. Rudyard Kipling To The
New York World on the Imperialist policy of the United States is too good to be monopolised by one side of the Atlantic. " We are only," he writes, "at the beginning of that era......
Dr. J. E. C. Welldon, The New Bishop Of Calcutta,
who left, England for his diocese on Tuesday, has taken the rather unusual coarse of addressing a letter to the Times upon his view of the relation of the Church to Indian life.......
Mr. Albert B. Lloyd, A Young Englishman Who Has Recently
returned from Torn, the western province of Uganda, has given to a representative of Reuter's Agency a most remark. able account (published in the Times of Monday) of his......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2f) were on Friday, 118f.......