14 JANUARY 1899, page 23

Novels Of The Week.*

THE Count of Wellburg, the Russian nobleman entrusted with the part of jeune premier in " Le Volenr's" novel, In the Tsar's Dominions, had the good fortune during a private in-......

Memoires D'outre - Tombs. Par Chateaubriand, Et Notis Par E.

Bir6. Vols. (Gamier, Paris.)—For some years Chateau- briand has suffered a passing eclipse. The young writers of France have been moved to discredit him, on the ground that he......

Current Literature.

NEW FRENCH BOOKS. Journal d'un Grinehu. Par Gyp. (Flammarion, Paris.)— It is impossible to keep pace with the energy and versatility of "Gyp," who marks every month with a new......

La Bilvre Of Paint-ftivarie. Par J. K. Humans. (stuck.,

Paris.) — M. Huysmaas has for the moment deserted the investigation of magic, black or white, and has turned again to the picturesque, in the seareh for which he won his......