14 JULY 1917, Page 11


(To Ins Eorros. or THE " SrrcrAxon."1

Ste,—I must thank you for your courteous insertion of my letter as to War Memorials, especially as you intimate editorial dis- agreement with its conclusions. I do not believe my suggestions would seem so "false to fact," as you call them, if I could bring before you the fine works that our artist-craftsmen who have been trained during this last twenty years produce. Not of course erery village—though English villages do now, as of old, breed artists— but every large town has, at any rate, now got workers in the arts, who would re-create English art, as historically it has been re-created, on the basis of English workmanship. In the War Memorial comes the chance, because its reality should banish

the bathos of false sentiment and academical design. That our art-workers are now at the war is no reason that they should be snubbed on high and dry principles, and their birthright taken ever by the stay-at-home commercialists.—I am, Sir, Ac.,