Donald Hammy And Some Kaffirs.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—Somewhere in France there is a large camp of Kaffirs. When I first saw them, my British ignorance and prejudice made me jump to the......
War Memorials.
(To Ins Eorros. or THE " SrrcrAxon."1 Ste,—I must thank you for your courteous insertion of my letter as to War Memorials, especially as you intimate editorial dis- agreement......
"DIED OF WOUNDS." I DON'T know why you look so frightened, dear. What, mother, what? You say I'm looking queer? I'm quite all right, only I'm drenched and cold. The old mare......
A Working Man's Thanks.
[To THE Enema or THE "Sewers:m."1 Sia,—A few weeks ago you kindly published a letter from me, in which I referred to Homer's Odyssey and gave quotations there- from. May I say......
Schoolboy Labour An Offer. Ito The Emtor Or Vac "sezenves."1
lisa,—Four Public School boys, all of whom are seventeen years of age, are willing to give their services together for the last fortnight In August on any good farm in return......
The Wesleyan Conference.
[To THE EDITOR Cr THE " SPECTATOR.") Ssn,—On Wednesday next the Wesleyan Conference will meet in the Central Hall, Westminster. But for the war, Burslem would have been the......
[to Tee Editor Op The " Spectator.")
SIR,—Mr. Prior is quite right. Why should artists waste their time in executing masterpieces like Michael Angelo's tomb of the Medici, when the public and Mr. Prior think the......
Jane Austen Centenary.
[To THE Earroa or THE " SPECTATOR."1 gin,—Ycu kindly allowed me to inform your readers of a scheme to mark the centenary of Jane Austen 's death by placing a memorial tablet on......
Notice.—ii'hen" Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are 'narked" Com- municated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in ayreemcnt with the views therein expressed or with the mode......
From A V.a.d. Hospital."
Mule hIzar-Anzia Msceoxste's three poems (" In Me Ward," "Epiphany Vision," and "In Last Year's Camp") have been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under......