In The House Of Commons On Tuesday The Corn Production
Bill entered the Committee stage. On the first clause Mr. Shaw moved to amend the bonus szheme by paying the bonus for wheat and oats on the acreage cultivated instead of on the......
In The House Of Commons On Friday Week Mr. Bonar
Law an- nounced that as he had been unable to devote the necessary time to his duties in the War Cabinet, the Prime Minister would probably find it necessary to make other......
The Statement Addressed By Mm. Vandervelde And De...
Belgian Socialist delegates, to the Dutch-Scandinavian Socialist Committee at Stockholm, published in the Times of Friday the 6th, is a most striking and noble document. The......
In Both Houses Of Parliament On Wednesday It Was Announced
that, with a view to disciplinary measures against the persons censured in the Mesopotamian Report, the special machinery provided by the Army (Courts of Inquiry) Act of 1916......
The East Clare Election, To Fill The Place Of The
late Major W. Redmond, resulted in the election of Mr. de Valera, the Sinn Fein candidate, by 5,010 votes to 2,035. This great Sinn Fein majority of 2,975 was entirely......
The French Chamber Resumed Its Public Sittings Last...
nearly a week of secret Sessions. The debate was remarkable for the speech of M. Painleve on military policy. He frankly admitted that grave mistakes had been made in the April......
In View Of The Impending Conference Of The Allies In
Paris to discuss the military and political situation in the Balkans, interest attaches to the official statement of the Provisional Government in Russia. Their representatives......
There Seems Small Chance Now That The Sinn Feiners Will
take part in the Convention, which is to meet on July 25th, with Mr. Duke as temporary Chairman. We shall say nothing to disturb the beatific "atmosphere "—the accepted phrase......
As The Matter Will Be Further Discussed Before These Words
appear, we need say little in the way of comment at present. We aro very glad that the Government wish to proceed cautiously, and not to impose penalties which would be a mere......
The Imperialist Revolution Has Collapsed In China, The...
the Manchu dynasty having lasted barely a week. On Saturday last General Chang Hsun, finding his position desperate, tendered his resignation, and the young'Emperor issued an......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.. Chancel From 51 Per Cent.
April 5th.......