14 JULY 1917, page 11

War Memorials.

(To Ins Eorros. or THE " SrrcrAxon."1 Ste,—I must thank you for your courteous insertion of my letter as to War Memorials, especially as you intimate editorial dis- agreement......

The Mesopotamian Report.

ITo THE EDFFOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sm,—If, as Lord Hugh Cecil declares in your lost issue, the waters of the well of truth have disagreed with us, is not the blame to be laid......

Fto The Editor Of The " Spectator:1

have long had much the same thought in my mind as your correspondent Mrs. Wigan, and as a fact I was on the point of trying to find some influential person to take the matter......

More Beer, But Not More Bread. [to The Editor Op

THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I gather from a communication just received from the Hampstead Food Control Committee that the Government con s templates the issue of a command to the......

Officer Prisoners' Parcels.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECMOR:1 Sur,—A new scheme regulating the number, weight, and method of despatching of parcels for officer prisoners has been issued by the War Office,......

The Kindly Fruits 01? The Earth.

LTo THE EDITOR OF THE " Sncrxrox.”.1 Sur,—May I call the attention of your readers to the fact that a scheme already exists to carry out the object advocated by Mrs. Wigan in......

A Tribute To Mr. Bonar Law.

fTo cost Eorror. or THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sis. — For reasons into which there is no need to go, I am opposed to the special penalization of the shipping interest adopted in this......

Is There Really A Food Shortage? (to The Editor Of

THE " SPECTATOR."1 Siu,—Is there really a food shortage 7 Many people are beginning to ask this question. We have just had a food economy week and have been taught how to lire......