14 JULY 1917, page 10

The Dangers And Difficulties Of Food Control. Ltd The Editor

or THE "SPECTATOR.") Sta,—Your article on the above subject on June 23rd seems to be unanswerable. Your argument is: if you reduce the price of bread, you stimulate the demand,......

More Beer, But Not More Bread. [to The Editor Op

THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I gather from a communication just received from the Hampstead Food Control Committee that the Government con s templates the issue of a command to the......

Letters To The Editor.

[Leiters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more clinntinc, than those which fill treble the spare.] AN ESSENTIAL TOWARDS NATIONAL......

The Reduction Of Food Prices. Tto Rue Editor Or The

" Seeevaree."1 Ste,—We have read with entire approval your articles en Profiteering " and the effect of compulsory lowering of food pi ices. We believe, with you, that the......

On Censoring Letters.

1 T is the almost daily task of every subaltern on active service to collect and censor the letters of the men under his command. That this is no small labour many a weary......