The Dangers And Difficulties Of Food Control. Ltd The Editor
or THE "SPECTATOR.") Sta,—Your article on the above subject on June 23rd seems to be unanswerable. Your argument is: if you reduce the price of bread, you stimulate the demand,......
More Beer, But Not More Bread. [to The Editor Op
THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I gather from a communication just received from the Hampstead Food Control Committee that the Government con s templates the issue of a command to the......
Letters To The Editor.
[Leiters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more clinntinc, than those which fill treble the spare.] AN ESSENTIAL TOWARDS NATIONAL......
The Reduction Of Food Prices. Tto Rue Editor Or The
" Seeevaree."1 Ste,—We have read with entire approval your articles en Profiteering " and the effect of compulsory lowering of food pi ices. We believe, with you, that the......
On Censoring Letters.
1 T is the almost daily task of every subaltern on active service to collect and censor the letters of the men under his command. That this is no small labour many a weary......