Another political crisis arose in Germany' t the end of
last week,. when the Reichstag met. In the Main Committee, Herr Erdrerger, of the Centre Party, at the instance, it is odd, of Austria, made a vigorous speech adVocating democratic reforms and a pears without annexations or indemnities. He was supported by the Social' Democrats and others.but opposed by hie own leader, Herr• Spain:E. The Chancellor last Saturday _replied in an unreported speech,' refusing -to accept the suggested.peace formula. Herr Erzberger's speech, however, caused such commotion that a Crown Council Was held on Moaday—for the first time, it is said, since the war— and: the reeignatiOns of several Ministers, including Helflerich and Zimmermann, are said to be imminent. The Emperor's hasty iisitto the Austrian Emperor atIarienburg is connected by rumour with the episode. We eofnment on it elsewhere.