Sin,—Following up the letter printed in the Spectator of April 23rd, I hear from one of the largest Scottish manu- facturers that " we could make out a good case of the same kind. Our best classes of goods do not sell in this country, but are taken freely in the States and on the* Continent." From whence they frequently return at much enhanced values. I know, too, that many of the largest manufacturers in Manchester have quite the same experience.
—I am, Sir, &c., J. H. M.
[Why will not Mr.,Chamberlain, instead of trying to keep out foreign goods, use his great persuasive powers to convince his countrywomen that they had much better use home-made dress materials if they want to look well dressed ? This, it seems to us, would be a far better work for the Women's Branch of the Tariff Reform League than trying to prove that a tariff will perform the miracle of simultaneously keeping out foreign goods, raising a large revenue which the foreigner will pay, and not raising prices here.—ED. Spectator.] BRADFORD'S PROGRESS.