14 MAY 1904, page 13

Slit,—are Not The Apprehensions You Express In Your...

" The Battle of the Yalu " in the Spectator of May 7th largely discounted by the thoughtful review of Captain Brinkley's great work on Japan which you publish in the same issue......

Sin,-twolrecent Articles In The Berlin Press Deserve, I...

attention from your readers. The first is an attempt on the part of the Conservative Beichsbote to show that an increase in the German Fleet is not, or rather would not be, a......

Silk—not Many Years Ago Bradford Was Known As The Town

where plain fabrics of cotton and coarse, strong wool were produced. These goods required no technical skill to manu- facture. They were cheaply dyed, and exported to all parts......

[to Tee Editor Of Tes " Spectator:1

Sin,—Following up the letter printed in the Spectator of April 23rd, I hear from one of the largest Scottish manu- facturers that " we could make out a good case of the same......