14 MAY 1904, page 2

Mr. Balfour, Who Followed, Insisted That Mr. Asquith's...

to the effect of the action of the Inland Revenue authorities were unsound, and urged that the grant of the annual license did create a property of a kind which must in equity......

The Congo Supplement To The West African Mail For May

contains in its correspondence columns an extraordinary letter to the editor, Mr. E. D. Morel, from the Belgian Consul-General in England, in which Mr. Casement's recent Report......

The Pope, It Appears, Has Protested Strongly Against The...

of M. Loubet to Rome, apparently on the ground that such a visit by the head of a Roman Catholic State sanctions the Italian " usurpation " of what the Vatican believes to be......

On Wednesday Night Mr. Asquith Opposed The Bill In A.

studiously moderate speech. He showed that the custom of the Inland Revenue authorities to charge Death-duties on the value of a license did not in any way create a property in......

On Monday In The House Of Lords The Bishop Of

St. Asaph asked leave to introduce his much-talked-of Education Bill. The Bill is an extension of the principle of the Act of 1902, and as the former Act made the provision of......

On May 9th Herr Bebel, The " Socialist" Leader—he Is

more like an English Radical—fiercely attacked the Government for the failure of its foreign policy, which, he said, " had isolated Germany," and roused a general antipathy ;......

During The Past Week Parliament Has Been Chiefly Occupied...

the second reading of the Licensing Bill. On Monday night the leading speech of the debate was that by Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, who defended the withdrawal from Petty Sessions of......