Maureen. By Edward Mcnulty. (e. Arnold. 8s.)—here Is...
We thought for a while—we might say as long as we were reading the first half of the volume—that we had come upon a genuine Irish story of the old delightful kind. Now and then,......
Belchamber. By H. 0. Sturgis. (a. Constable And Co. 6s.)—
This story does not pretend to be anything but a novel of modern society, but in its own line it is extremely clever and successful. It really merits the application of that......
What We Dream. By Frances Harrod. (duckworth And Co....
is a good specimen of the novel of the day, the books that were once written for our pleasure, but now are obviously intended for a penance. We say "good" because it shows much......
It Is One Of The Most Striking Proofs Of The
abiding fascination of the East that in novels by English writers where the dramatis personae comprise Orientals as well as Europeans, setting aside a very few exceptions, the......
Rulers Of Kings. By Gertrude Atherton. (macmillan And Co....
extreme popularity of the "Royal" novel—that is, the novel in which the heroine or hero belongs to one of the Royal houses of Europe—has induced Mrs. Atherton to try a variation......
The Poet And His Guardian Angel. By Sarah Tytler. (chatto
and Winans. 6s.)—This book is not so much a novel as a, description of the life in retirement of the poet Cowper. It is always a difficult task to weave in the history of a......
The Man In. The Wood. By Mary Stuart Boyd. (chapman
and Hall. 6s.)—The mistake by which the imbroglio of this book is caused is not quite sufficiently credible to lend the story en- grossing interest. And it must also be......
Purports To Aim At, Not So Much "a Criticism Of
the verbal medium through which a great Master uttered his heart and mind ; but rather at a survey of the effect which he produced on the thought and action of his age." We must......
Love's Proxy. By Richard Begot. (e. Arnold. 6s.)—mr....
stories about either the faith or the city of Rome, gives us in Love's Proxy an ordinary novel of society. There being nothing very new or intricate about the plot, the interest......