Which, As Many Of Our Readers Will Remember, Was Begun
by the volume entitled "Clue." Unwearied industry and remarkable ingenuity, a word which we use honoris cause, distinguish this as they distinguish all Dr. Abbott's work. We......
Other Memories, Old And New. By John Kerr, Ll.d. (w.
Black- wood and Sons. 3s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Kerr here gives us a second instal- ment of reminiscences. He need not fear, we think, the common fate of continuations. Books of this......
Purports To Aim At, Not So Much "a Criticism Of
the verbal medium through which a great Master uttered his heart and mind ; but rather at a survey of the effect which he produced on the thought and action of his age." We must......
Thirty Years In Madagascar. By The Rev. T. T. Matthews.
(R.T.S. 6s.)—The story of Christianity in Madagascar is one of the most eventful in the annals of missionary enterprise. It began with a disaster. Two missionaries, each with a......