14 MAY 1904, Page 14

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Referring to the letter

in your issue of May 7th relative to the Jews in Limerick, I wish to say that if Judge Adams merely alluded to assaults on the Jews in the streets of the city when he stated that the reports of their persecution were exaggerated, it may be admitted that he, to a certain extent, was justified in making this statement; but if he meant that the boycotting under which they are still suffering was unduly magnified, the worthy Judge's view of the situation is incon- sistent with the fact that their trade in Limerick and its vicinity is ruined. I cannot imagine•that it was the Judge's intention to make light of the boycott.—I am, Sir, &c., THOS. LIMERICK. The Palace, Henry Street, Limerick.