them of log-rolling. He might be more accurate. Dr. Driver
was not an "editor" of "The Dictionary of the Bible" (Hastings). The title-page acknowledges his assistance "chiefly in the reading of proof-sheets." And he seems to be but indifferently equipped in respect of knowledge of his subject. He says, for instance, in defending the popular view of the date and authorship of Daniel, that " the Critics themselves admit that the Septuagint Version was made before First Maccabees was written." The critics admit that the Pentateuch, to which alone the name of " Septuagint" properly belongs, was so written; as to the other books, they assign them much later dates. But we cannot discuss the questions which Sir R. Anderson raises. One remark we feel bound to make. It is very rash to claim the authority of Christ for certain opinions about the Old Testament Scrip- tures. The question of His knowledge is insoluble, though the theory that attributes to Him a continuously con- scious omniscience seems to make Him a phantom of a man; but it is not irreverent to suppose that He used the popular language of the time.—With this we may mention The Book of Genesis Treated as an Authentic Record : Part
by the Rev. George Greenwood (Church Printing Company, 3s.) Mr. Greenwood intends to be a champion of belief, but he would not, we imagine, satisfy Sir R. Anderson. He thinks, for instance, that Adam came through the instrumentality of earthly parents, but that these parents were animals—i.e., we suppose, anthropoid apes, or creatures man-like but not men—and that, as those could not give him proper education, he was removed from them and brought up by the angels. All this seems a little strange, but it is interesting as shoWing what a devout believer finds in the Scriptural record. Mr. Greenwood complains of a want of intelligent criticism. We fear that we shall not supply the defect, but we wish to recognise his industry and zeal. That there are valuable suggestions in his book may safely be affirmed, but we cannot attempt a detailed examination of it.