THE war has begun. On Tuesday Sir Alfred Milner tele- graphed to the Colonial Secretary the terms of the ultimatum handed to the British Agent at Pretoria on the previous day, giving forty-eight hours for compliance with its terms,—which are abstracted by as below. Our Govern- ment, of course, refused to comply with the ultimatum, and accordingly war began at 5 o'clock on Wednesday (Transvaal time). Though the vast majority of the nation, no less than the Government, were sincerely anxious to preserve peace if only the rights of the Outlanders could be fully and honourably redressed without war, the news that the tension and suspense were over was accepted, as it always is on such occasions, with a sense of relief. Men realised also with satisfaction that the war would be on a clear issue. The attitude of the country generally is re- presented with wonderful accuracy and insight by Sir John Tenniel's cartoon in this week's Punch. Plain English.— 'As you toil/ fight, you shall have it. This time it's a fight to a finish."