A Memoir Of Acton Wincleyer Silletoe. By The Rev. Herbert
H. Gowen. (Longmans and Co. 5s.)—A. S. Silletoe was a native of Sydney, New South Wales. He graduated at Cambridge, and taking orders a little later than usual (seven years......
Glyr - Booss. — The Brownies Abroad. By Palmer Cox. (t....
Palmer Cox, who has already pictured the Brownies for us by pen and pencil in various circumstances, now takes them on their travels. He first brings them to England, where they......
Cicero De (*dia. Translated By George B. Gardiner....
Co. 2s. 6d.)—Dr. Gardiner adopts, for the most part, Dr. H. A. Holden's somewhat depreciatory estimate of the merits of the Oficiis. He is, indeed, scarcely consistent. On the......
A Beautiful World (john Bale, Sons, And Danielsson), The...
issue of the journal of the Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising, reports most encouragingly on the pro- gress of the movement. The most notable event in the......
Thiology And Church Histoh7.-2'ha Epistle Of St. Paul To The
Galatians. Explained by A. W. Robinson, B.D. (Methuen and Co. ls. 6d. net.)—This is the first volume of a proposed series, entitled "The Churchman's Bible," to appear under the......
Ten Shillings A Head Per Week For House - Books : An
Indispensable Manual for Housekeepers. By Mrs. C. S. Peel. (Constable and Co. 3s. 6d.)—When a book announces itself as indispensable, the public is apt to reflect how extremely......