Mr. Balfour, Presiding At A Meeting Of The East Lothian
Unionist Association at Haddington on Wednesday, spoke with equal good sense and feeling on the subject of the war. If the Government had erred, they had erred at all events on......
There Is Little Room For Doubt Now That The Fourean-lamy
expedition has perished utterly in the Soudan. Its com- mandant, who was greatly trusted, made an effort to cross the Touareg region, and in so doing roused the jealous sus-......
The Lord Mayor, In Response To An Appeal Made By
Sir Alfred Milner and strongly endorsed by Mr. Chamberlain, has opened a Mansion House'fund on behalf of the refugees from the Transvaal and the Free State. Though much has been......
The Comtease De Martel, Who Writes Novels Under The Name
of " Gyp," and is interesting to historians because she is of full Mirabeau blood, has recently received an interviewer on the subject of the Royalist trial. She hardly cares to......
The Great Strike At The Crenzot Ironworks Has Been...
by arbitration, the arbitrator being the Premier himself, M. Waldeck-Roneseau, who, we fancy, intervened to prevent the workmen from carrying out their project of marching to......
Berlin Is Greatly Excited Over A Trial For Gambling. It
appears that three young men of good family who had been officers attracted attention by an expenditure out of all pro- portion to their means. It was found on inquiry that they......
We Noticed Last Week That The French Budget Of The
year was expected to reach 2160,000,000, an amount which begins to alarm French financiers. M. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, a sound economist, calls attention to the gradual increase of......