14 OCTOBER 1899, page 21

The Dictionary Of National Biography. Edited By Sidney...

LX. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 15s. net.)—The latest volume of The Dictionary of National Biography contains a good many great names, among them Strafford and Wellington (Wentworth......

The Life Of Prince Bismarck. By William Jacks. (j. Maclehose

and Sons, Glasgow. 10s. 6d.)—No one can see more clearly than Mr. Jacks that the time for a definite judgment on Prince Bismarck's character and policy has not yet come. In one......

Life And Letters Of Sir Joseph Prestwich. Written And Edited

by his Wife. (William Blackwood and Sons. 21s.)—Sir Joseph Prestwich was known long before his death as one of the most successful and accomplished of geologists ; this volume......

Current Literat Ure.

Egyptian Irrigation. By W. Willcocks, C.M. G. (E. and F. N. Spon, 125 Strand.)—Though the work before ns is called a second edition, it is almost a new book, for the first......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we 710UOL such Books of the week as have not been reserved for mine in other forms.] William P. Moulton. By W. Fiddian Moulton. (Isbister and Co. 7s.......

The History Of The Castle, Town, And Port Of Dover.

By the Rev P. S. H. Statham. (Longmans and Co. 108. 6d.)—Mr. Statham's hook is excellent reading, even for those who do not know Dover The Cinque ports appear to have had from......