14 OCTOBER 1899, page 22

The Oxford English Dictionary. " I—in," Vol. V. Edited By

Dr. J. A. H. Murray. (The Clarendon Press. 6s.)—Dr. Murray here begins a new letter of the portion on which he is now at work, " H—K," his collaborator, Dr. Bradley, carrying on......

A Memoir Of Acton Wincleyer Silletoe. By The Rev. Herbert

H. Gowen. (Longmans and Co. 5s.)—A. S. Silletoe was a native of Sydney, New South Wales. He graduated at Cambridge, and taking orders a little later than usual (seven years......

Dancing In Au Ages. By Edward Scott. (swan Sonnenschein And

Co. Gs.)—Mr. Scott gives in this volume an historical account of dancing, a topic on which he possesses much of the knowledge of an expert. It is not, however, in his review of......

The Lady Victoria Long Wellesley. By Her Eldest...

and Son. 5s.)—We are inclined to regret that this Look has been published. Not a little family history that would have been better forgotten has been included, for, indeed, Lady......

Life And Books. By E. F. Leighton. (t. Fisher Unwin.

6s.) —There is much that is interesting in Mr. Leighton's specula- tions, somewhat crude and hasty as they sometimes are. "In my Mind's Eye " is the title of the first paper,......

Sir Isaac Pitman And Sons Send Us Under The Title

of Business Bookkeeping Transactions (la.) a collection of documents which are intended to give what we may call a concrete lesson in book- keeping. There are invoices, credit......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we 710UOL such Books of the week as have not been reserved for mine in other forms.] William P. Moulton. By W. Fiddian Moulton. (Isbister and Co. 7s.......

The Treatment Of Nature In The Poetry Of The Roman

Republic. By Katharine Allen. (Madison, Wisconsin. 50c.)—This mono- graph is one of the results of the excellent system which makes creative power rather than the faculty of......

The Origin And Growth Of Village Communities In India. By

B. H. Baden-Powell. (Swan Sonnenschein. and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Baden-Powell gives in this volume (which belongs to the " Social Science Series "), some of the substance of his......