The Lady Victoria Long Wellesley. By her Eldest God-daughter. (Skeffington
and Son. 5s.)—We are inclined to regret that this Look has been published. Not a little family history that would
have been better forgotten has been included, for, indeed, Lady Victoria Wellesley's life was so uneventful that the material slid not suffice for a volume of the conventional size. We can quite understand the desire to preserve some memorial of an estimable woman, but the result is not altogether to be admired. From what we have said about family history some letters of the Duke of Wellington must be excepted. They speak strongly for his sense of duty and his wisdom. It is not correct to say that in 1825 there was no "precedent in the history of the law for taking away from a father the care of his own sons." Lord Eldon, who gave this order in the case of Mr. Long Wellesley, had done exactly the same in the case of Shelley several years before.