ScrrooL-Boorts.—d Brief Survey of British History. By George Townsend Warner,
M.A. (Blackie and Son. Is. 6d.)—Mr. Warner tells " our island story " in vigorous and attractive fashion. His plan has been to choose the characteristic events of each period as he passes it under survey, and he does his best to link what he relates with things that are familiar to present-day readers. Now and then we come across statements that might have been more accurately or more cautiously made. Oliver Cromwell's first Parliament was not called " Barebone's ment from the name of one of its Members, Praise God Barebone." The name was a witty fiction. Praise Barbon was the real name. —Gems of Modern French Poetry for Reading and Recitation. By Jules Lazare. (Hachette et Cie.)—Forty pieces from various authors, of whom Sully Prudhomme, Paul Verlaine, Deroulede, A. de Musset, Victor Hugo, Andre Chenier, A. de Vigny, Casimir Delavigne are among the best known. The editor has added short biographical notices and notes.—Grammar Tables. By James Oliphant, M.A.—Comprising "a comparative view of the English, French, and German accidence," with notes.---Psycho- logy for Beginners. By Hiram M. Stanley. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co. Is.)