Mr. Chen is always in danger of impaling himself on
dilemmas of his own creation. He finds fault with Great Britain for allowing the northern militarists to collect surtaxes. He says that Great Britain is thus " financing the enemies " of the Kuomintang which is the real Government of all China. But if the Kuomintang cannot keep order even in the Concession of Hankow after having promised to do so, what is the value of the asser- tion that the Cantonese are the real rulers of China ? Mr. Chen will do well to understand that though there is a wave of liberal feeling in this country about China and a strong desire to end the one-sided Treaties, there is, and will be, universal support for the British Government in the performance of the elementary duty of protecting life and property as far as is humanly possible. Every civilized country accepts the responsibility of providing, protection for foreigners; and if it is unable to provide it there is no just complaint against those who protect themselves.