* * * * In Spite Of Its Somewhat Emotional
title, Flotsam. of My 11 earl, by Miss Montgomery (Arthur H. Stockwell, 2s.), shows a lyrical quality that is quite rare enough to be attractive. Here, at least, are none of......
American Interior Decoration
The Practical Book of Decorative Wall Treatments. By Nancy McClelland. (J. B. Lippincott and Co. 42s.) NErrimn of these books could in any way be considered as practical in this......
This Week's Books
A NEW contemporary, The London Weekly, publishes its third number to-day. Last week's issue contained a sound and appreciative notice of • Mr. Vachell Lindsay's poems (we......
" If We Look Back And Embrace In Our Gaze
sixty centuries of Human Evolution . . . we will find that violent sub- jugation of race by race, or class by class has always been the deepest cause of the decline and death of......
Our Contemporary Truth Published Its Jubilee Number On...
with an interesting retrospect of its fifty years of life. The Editor recalls the famous libel actions of the past in which his journal appeared, and says of more' recent......
Dr. Cumston's Learned History Of Medicine (kegan Paul,...
the time of the Pharaohs to the end of the eighteenth century, dismisses Hindu medicine in a brief twenty pages of amusing stories. Islamic medicine is also very briefly touched......
A New Competition
Oun next competition is a very simple one and will be judged strictly by popular vote. We ask our readers to give us the names of the ten most popular characters in fiction of......